Responsive Development

Responsive Development

We build our websites to work and play on mobile devices scaling images gracefully, and scaling video to fit. We can (and do) hide bandwidth-intensive media from mobile devices, opting instead for smaller images.

In the images to the left, we took screen-shots from actual browser sessions with a 320x480 view port.

In the images to the right, we took screen-shots from actual browser sessions with a 487x650 view port. Notice the same pages scale larger in this version when compared to the 320x480 shots to the left.

Tablets and small hand-helds are taking a larger share of on-line browser sessions on a daily basis. We code to make YOUR site work on the vast majority of browsers on the web today.

Please try this page with a larger display in order to see the flash presentation of 320x480 and 487x650 screen-shots.